Why Do We Become Angry: Bhagavad Gita Answers

Bhagavad Gita Verse 2.62 Describes the Reasons of Anger Generation.

 Why do we become angry? There are many theories about it. We shall see what Bhagwad Geeta has to say about anger so that it can be managed successfully.

Bhagwad Geeta describes generation of anger in the following verse and says that anger is linked to our contemplation.

ध्यायतो विषयान्पुंसः संगस्तेषूपजायते
संगात्संजायते कामः कामात्क्रोधोऽभिजायते 2.62

 "While contemplating the objects of the senses, 
a person develops attachment for them, and 
from such attachment lust develops, and 
from lust anger arises."

  The verse has four parts and we shall see them part by part.


Contemplation of objects

Scriptures say our mind is always engaged in these subjects- eating, sleeping, defending & sex and improving their conditions. Mind always needs something or the other for engagement. 


Bg. Geeta talks of three Gunas or three qualitative states of nature – Satv-gun, Rajo-Gun & Tamo-Gun. Satva-gun is a state where a person performs pious actions which are free from sinful reactions.  Rajo-gun is a state where person actively works for fruitive results and tries to achieve materialistic goals aggressively. In Tamo-gun a person either performs abominable works or remains in inertia.

(To know more on the subject go to: satv-rajas-tamas      

* Bg. Geeta 14.7 says, "Understand that Rajo-gun develops longings, greed and ATTACHMENT."

* While Bg. Geeta 2.62 says,  "Contemplation leads to ATTACHMENT."

Contemplation of objects

Considering both the statements we have to understand that fuel generates fire, but, fuel generates fire only when a spark from external source comes in contact. In the same way Rajo-gun develops attachment, but it will not happen until the objects of sense gratification are contemplated upon.

However when a person is established in Satva-gun the contemplation on the same objects of gratification will not lead to attachment.

We may consider other meanings of the word ‘Attachment’. Attachment also means the following. 

1.  Meeting: By contemplation person meets the objects in mind and enjoys pleasure in subtle way.

2.  Becoming friend: Person develops association and bonding and feels need of it.

3.   Deep liking or affection: Person not only develops bond of friendship but also deep liking and a goal to acquire it.

3. FROM ATTACHMENT LUST DEVELOPS (संगात्संजायते कामः)

Thus sufficient contemplation on the objects of sense gratification will end in lust. Here ‘Kama’ or Lust means- a desire to acquire that object.

Difference between Attachment and Lust


Attachment is a thought that the object will give me pleasure but, desire to actually own it in practice is lust. We can understand it by an example. When a dear in desert sees a mirage he thinks that, "if I go near it I will quench my thirst." This is the platform of attachment. 

Lust is action towards mirage

But when it starts running towards the mirage it is the platform of lust. At the level of attachment only the mind is the field of activity but, the field of activity for lust are three – senses, mind and intelligence.


Bg. Geeta 3.40 says, “the senses, mind and intelligence are the sitting places of this lust. Through them the lust covers the real knowledge of the living entity and bewilders him."

Bhagwat Puran says, “Just as a blazing fire cannot be extinguished by putting more butter or fuel but instead becomes more vigorous, so also the fire of lust can never be doused by satisfying it. It actually becomes stronger.”

4. LUST GENERATES ANGER (कामात्क्रोधोऽभिजायते)

Thus we see that desires never get satisfied. Objects of sense gratification act like fuel in the fire of lust and make it stronger. Even if unlimited objects of gratification are available the senses have limited power of enjoying. The fire of lust transforms into fire of anger.


Bg. Geeta 18.38 says, “That happiness derived from contact of the senses with their objects and which appears like nectar at first but, poison at the end is said to be of the nature of passion or rajo-gun.”

Anger is generated when person faces obstacles and barriers in the process of sense gratification.


1.      Need of Controlled Anger

·        Uncontrolled lust gives rise to uncontrolled anger.

·        Person who can control lust can also control anger.

·        Anger, which is less than bare minimum is also destructive.

·        If parents do not become angry over their children then the children get spoiled.

·        Teacher’s anger over their pupils makes them understand their mistakes. 

2.     Developing Satv-gun and reduce Rajo-gun  

·        Associating with people who are in satv-gun.

·        Performing activities that are beneficial to others and society.

3.     Reducing attachment and contemplation upon objects of sense gratification  

·        Contemplation on spiritual subjects offers a solution.


·        Bg. Geeta was spoken to generate anger in Arjun.

·        Shree Hanuman burned down Lanka and killed many demons, this earned the pleasure of Shri Ram.

·        Lord Krishna says, "I incarnate to destroy the evil persons."  

·        In these examples anger is not generated by Rajo-gun or contemplation. These are examples of Nir-gun (non materialistic) anger. These can also be called  ‘spiritualised anger’. It is a different subject matter.

Shree Hanuman burned down Lanka and killed many demons, this earned the pleasure of Shri Ram 

Article is based on the translation from the Hindi book 'Shri Bhagwan Ne Kaha'.





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