
Showing posts from September, 2023

World's Oldest The Mundeshwari Devi Temple

 World's Oldest Living Temple The Mundeshwari Devi Temple   The Mundeshwari Devi Temple is located at Kaura in Kaimur District in the state of Bihar. It is an ancient temple dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva & Shakti and is considered one of the oldest functional Hindu temples in India. Hindu inscriptions dated 625 CE were found in the temple. The temple is a protected monument under ASI since 1915. In 2008 The Bihar State Religious Trust Board fixed the date to be 108 AD The temple is made out of stone and is constructed in the Nagara style of temple architecture. This temple is not only the oldest but also the oldest 'active' temple. This means the temple is have been actively worshipped for the past 1500-2000 years. Inside, there is a murti of Maa Mundeshvari Devi and Panchmukhi (5 face Shiva).   At the entrance to the temple, the door are seen with carved images of Dvarpalas, Ganga, Yamuna. Many other deities like Gane

World's Widest Tree Is In India

        The Great Banyan Tree Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanical Garden near Kolkata. It is over two hundred and fifty years old and covers about 14,500 square meters of land (3.5 acres) making it the widest tree in the world. From a distance, the tree has the appearance of a forest, but what appear to be individual trees are actually aerial roots- around 3,600 of them.   Subjects Spirituality    Bhagvad Gita   Bhagwad Puran   Buddhism   Krishna   Guru First & Earliest    Influence of Culture   Knowledge     History   Past Glories    Unique India   Chanakya   Video

World's Earliest Quality Steel

  Rust-resistant steel  2000 years ago.  Gupta era iron clamps at the foundation base ruins of ancient temples at the Dashavatar temple complex at Dewgarh, Uttar Pradesh. These clamps are rust-resistant! The Dashavatar temple at this site happens to be India's first existing sikhara temple. The site originally had nine temples with a Garuda stand in front of the main temple (Dashavatar temple). Out of these 9 temples at this site, only the main stands tall in ruins. These temples were attacked several times by Islamic invaders including Alauddin Khilji. 8 of the temples were razed to the ground by the plunderers. The iron clamps lay in all the base ruins of destroyed temples. Western historians including few Indians have distorted the chronology of Indian historical events. So as per distorted historians, Gupta era that lasted for nearly 300 years is projected to be from 3rd to 6th century CE. But according to ‘Puranas’, inscriptions, and several Indian literary historical evidence
