Physical Exercise Or Yoga?

Physical exercise or yoga what is more beneficial? 

In many ways yoga seems to have an edge. A few observations are mentioned here for your contemplation.

1 Physical Exercises build Voluntary Muscles progressively and increase their power.
Yoga increases tone of Voluntary Muscles and also Involuntary Muscles. Yoga improves functional capacity of ligaments tenders and internal muscles.

2 Physical Exercises increase Endurance.
Yoga increase Endurance and also increases Stress Competence.

3 Physical Exercise involves Contraction of muscles while Yoga involves Relaxation of muscles.

4 Physical Exercises increase Blood Pressure and Myocardial works. They strain heart by overdoing.
Yoga keeps Pulse and Blood pressure steady. Yoga improves Myocardium function. By over doing Yoga Heart muscles gets massaged.

5 Physical exercises give Recreation but are Energy consuming.
Yoga releases energy to Revitalize the body and without Exertion.

6 Physical Exercises can be continued up to Particular age, exceptions applicable.
Yoga can be suggested to and can be performed by any one, with no age bar.

7 Physical Exercises aim at Strength, Ability, Speed, Health.
Yoga aims at better Neuro-muscular co-ordination. Improves control over Autonomic nervous system. Yoga is more of Feeling of well being with Health.

8 Physical Exercises and Yoga, both control Obesity, increase Respiration and increase Autonomic balance.

Benefits of Meditation



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